
Case filed 279, 337, and 187 section - what will happen next

16-Oct-2023 (In Motor Accident Law)
I met with minor accident 4 mon back.My car backdoor touched a two wheeler and he fell l down.I took him to govt hospital and treated for minor injuries/scratches only.I tried to pay some money for his two wheeler but his relatives gathered ,made me to wait for more hrs not telling their demand as well. After sometime i left the place for my family safety. Few days back police came from traffic police station asking me to come to station with vehicle next day.Gave me copy of complaint with crime number and case registered in 279, 337 and 187 section. I went they made me to get clearance for my vehicle in RTO, got a bond for release of my vehicle.No scratches or damageto my vehicle.They told me just have to pay some fine 1500 rs in court when they call them again. What will happen next? If i pay the fine will it be closed?. I have third party insurance. Can they file additional sections or complaints.? Will i have to go through insurance case for this ?. please advise.
Answers (1)

Answer #1
545 votes
Firstly we would like to know the FIR which has been lodged against you. As the car has been released and you are directed to pay a fine of Rs. 1500/- for what. Has the insurance company been made a party to it as well. Try to settle the matter out of court if the FIR is not lodged.
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What is the meaning of Superdarinama?

Superdari means to give custody of something until the next order. This bond binds the person receiving the car to present it before the court or police as required. 30-Oct-2020

What is the Superdari application?

The owner of the car or other property must request that the court release the vehicle under the terms set by the court. He must make a request to the court in order to ask for the release his car. Superdari is the term used for this.


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