
Procedure when party not responded after receiving legal notice.

12-Feb-2023 (In Civil Law)
I had appealed a case in yr 2013, notices sent and received by party , but party has not responded nor deputed and advocate what will the position at the present situation
Answers (2)

Answer #1
803 votes
Hello sir,

Actually what case you filed?

In what circumstances you issued legal notice to opposite party?

In general if the opposite party not responded, the court will pass exparte order or dismis the case.

If you provide all details regarding your case, we can advice you better.

Answer #2
991 votes
Hi, since notices are received by other side and other side has made no representation, the matter will be heard on matters pertaining to substantial issues(both in law and in facts) as raised by you. In an appellate court, if other side does not respond, it loses its opportunity to be heard.

Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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