
Is arrest is must in sc st case after two years

16-Apr-2023 (In Criminal Law)
false case was booked on 3 members (me mother father )under 447,427 r/w 34 ipc sec 3(1)(r)(s) of sc/st (poa) ammendment act -2015 in 2018 and my father got arrested and got bail after 12 days and in the remand copy officers wrote me and my mother as absconding. Now after 2 and half years officers gave me notice under 41-A CRPC and told we will book chargesheet .IS now officers will arrest me and my mother ? Please help me am a student I don't know anything about cases please help me
Answers (2)

Answer #1
748 votes
hello as a matter of sc/st is concerned is very hard core crimianal case your family is concerned at present a s your father already got the bail . and yes now the officer will try to arrest you and your mother to prove his case in the court and make the casr more strong with false evidencess. in tjis matter you need to urgently take legal steps yo prevent your arrest and get the case cancelled.
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Answer #2
610 votes
Did u all get bail ? And did u hire any advocate ? U didn’t disclose the proceedings till date ..hv u appeared before the court for trail ? Plz assist with more details n be in touch for further assistance ...
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