
Procedure to file for divorce and to get back other belongings.

02-Feb-2023 (In Divorce Law)
I want divorce from my husband i already came back to my parents how. Now i want to know i came to my parents house without my important documents,my CA final's book and my vehicle. Now i want this all so can i go to his house before filling case of divorce ? Or after that? Somebody says me if you will first file case of divorce in court then u can not go at his house to take any thing and u have file one another notice for getting your baggage early and this may also take 4-5 months.What can i do now. First file a case or first take back my baggage from his house???
Answers (3)

Answer #1
551 votes
Dear in your matter first of all u have to give one initial notice to hus for divorce and also for get all ur things and for this u have to give them 15 days time for both and if they will not respond on same than after u have to file maintenance,divorce,498 ets and get ur all things back with court order but for that u have to provide all evidence for same.

Answer #2
824 votes
You may go as your wish to your husband house with or without filing Divorce with some important precautions, without precautions you may give bad effect on Divorce
For Further Query contact lawrato
Answer #3
901 votes
As your situation,you should go first to your husband's home,and collect your important documents and things.and thenafter, you should go for filing of divorce if possible first go there and collect your things.

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