
Convicted uunder sec.427 ipc will passport still be granted to accused

24-Jul-2023 (In Civil Law)
Is section 427 ipc civil or criminaql. Convicted uSir I have applied for passport. I was in a case which was compounded. Is there any problem for passport or government job
Answers (2)

Answer #1
575 votes

Section 427 IPC is registered for criminal offence only. As you said that the case against you has been compounded, there lies no case against you. You can apply for a passport. You may get that. Coming to applying for a government job, you can apply. However, selection for the job will depend upon the concerned department's requirements. Consult the concerned department and take their help in getting the details.
Answer #2
903 votes
when case is compounded means you have compromised and if lok adalat award is passed there is no need to mention that thing in any of the application if you convicted and appeal is pending then only it should be mentioned

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