
Can a person edit Mahatma Gandhi's photo on the currency note

16-Sep-2023 (In Civil Law)
Can a person edit, insult or make fun of Mahatma Gandhi's photo on indian currency note? If it's the crime then under which act that person should be punished and what is the punishment for it? Please give me satisfactory answer for my question according to our respected constitution. Thanks
Answers (1)

Answer #1
863 votes
the clean note policy of Reserve Bank of India and Banking Regulation Act clearly restrict any writing or inscription on the watermark window of currency notes, people still write or print on notes due to unawareness.
A new trend of printing the name of bridegroom and bride on the watermark window of currency notes has begun in Varanasi. TOI got a currency note in the denomination of Rs 10 in the local market on which `Ajay sung Neetu' was printed in red colour on the watermark window. This currency was sufficient to reveal that the printing was done to distribute the currency notes during the marriage ceremony of Ajay and Neetu. However, it was not clear from where this couple or their family belonged.
But, the most interesting aspect in this episode was the replies from bankers and police. When the officials of the State Bank of India, Kutchehri branch were contacted to know whether the act of printing on currency notes was right or wrong, they surely admitted that it was illegal. However, they suggested to contact the police to know what action could be initiated in such matter. The police did not hesitate to admit that except registering the cases of fake currency printing and running in market, they had not dealt such cases. Some lawyers like senior advocate Shrinath Tripathi were aware about the provision prescribed under Indian Penal Code. Tripathi said that under section 489E of IPC this act was punishable.
On the other hand, when the RBIs guidelines and Banking Regulation Act were checked it was found that writing on the watermark window of bank notes is punishable under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act 1949. In order to give the citizens good quality currency notes, the RBI had already prepared a Clean Note Policy and in November 2001 issued instructions to all the banks not only to do away the stapling of note packets but also urged members of public not to write on the currency notes.
The RBI surely issued a clear guideline in this regard several years ago but still there are no takers of it. The bankers who were surprised to see the name of bride and groom printed on a currency note did not forget to reveal that they had seen currencies with political slogans and symbols of parties in past. But, they had nothing to say when asked what action was initiated in such matter. The printing of names of bride and groom on currency notes to distribute in marriage ceremony is considered as an alarming trend by the same bankers as it could be followed by others due to unawareness of the prescribed norms.
While some people are beginning a new trend of utilizing the watermark window to remain memorable for long, the common people are still forced to write their contact details on the same window of higher denomination notes (Rs 500 or Rs 1000) by the telecom and other service providers at the time of bill clearance. This custom is followed to trace the origin of the note if it turns out fake.

Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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