

05-Feb-2023 (In Criminal Law)
Suppose a scenario where infront of a boy a woman enters into a toilet.The boy notices something at the downpart of the door some insect or a irregular object at the end down side of the door.The boy tries to see what is it.For this the boy makes his head low and sees the door from down end. Another man sees from back that the boy is trying to see something from under the door and assumes that the boy is seeing the woman in the toilet engaging in private act. The boy has proof that no one can see a private part of anyone in the toilet from outside the toilet.Means the door and the floor are designed in such a way that the toilet foor is down and the outside the door floor is high.So it is impossible to see a private part of a woman from outside the toilet door. So please state that although the boy is not seeing the woman but only seeing the door's end but still can a case be made against him as per section 354IPC.And please mention the punishment also for it.
Answers (1)

Answer #1
589 votes
who will sue you and why? the lady can sue you but she does not knowvyou did it. the man cant sue you since he does not have locus standi. then i think there will be no case. further more if you have any trouble you can contact me.

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