
Can bail be applied under section 323 392 504 506 of ipc

10-Jun-2023 (In Criminal Law)
Hi sir , someone ladged fake case against me as complain case. we have got directly warrent notice from court. now how we will get bail from court . tell me some process to get bail. in fact we were on duty that day where against party filled suit. i have taken attendance verfication letter from the department also. so please give me legal advice for the same.
323,392,504,506 regarding bail
Answers (4)

Answer #1
548 votes
Yes u can definately get bail under sectiona 323 392 505 506 from the high court by filing a application under sec 482 as a bail application on the specific complain case and the bail will be granted .But aparts from this a good pleader would be needed to assist the court.

Answer #2
991 votes
Dear client as you have mentioned that the complainant has filed a complaint against you under the above-mentioned sections. Court shall summon you and afterwards you have to apply for bail before the court concerned.
Prefer a bail application annexing therewith copies of relevant documents which you have mentioned.
After hearing your counsel the court may release you on bail with sureties and a personal bond of likewise amount to the satisfaction of the court concerned.
Answer #3
679 votes
You have visit court and appoint a good lawyer , the bail process will precess by your advocate and you will get a bail don't worry , consult with concerned court advocate he can get bail easily ,,,,,,
Answer #4
556 votes
There is no any doubt as u have attendance slip of that day when opposite party alleging you that you have committed crime under such n such sections.
You can easily get the regular bail on the basis of evidence and facts & circumstances relating to the case.

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