
Is making movie in a theater legal

08-Jun-2023 (In Trademark & Copyright Law)
What legal action can be taken against a person who is caught filming a movie in theater? And making a video of movie in theater is legal ?
Answers (5)

Answer #1
572 votes
It is illegal if the person filming the movie has no permission from the copyright holders.Such a person is liable for arrest under Copyrights Act 1999 Sec 63,64.Please tell us as to why you ask such a question??

Answer #2
700 votes
Hi. In the narrow conspectus of facts narrated by you, you can choose to initiate civil as well as criminal proceedings for actions mentioned in your query. As far as civil action is concerned you can initiate infringment proceedings under the Copyright Act. As far as criminal proceedings are concerned you can choose to initiate proceedings under the Indian Penal Code read-with Information & Technology Act.
Answer #3
596 votes
since most of the projected works are covered by registered copyright, any reproduction of the same would be a punishable offence under copyright act. Any damages caused by reproduction of such copied work is recoverable from the offender.
And making video of any copyright work is an offence.
Answer #4
758 votes
Hello, No it's a criminal offence according to Rights to information act, nobody can take video without permission. Even according to our constitution, No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. Please take an legal action against that person.
Answer #5
973 votes
as per your query the aforesaid condition is strictly prohibited and you are may be prosecuted if cought for the offence of piracy and copyright infringement and also would be charged with various provisisons of IPC or copyright act, and other applicable laws for which you may be punished for minimum of 6 months and may be expandable upto 3 years or fine or both.

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