
Mutual Divorce - Procedure and Documents Required

07-Sep-2024 (In Divorce Law)
Sir, I want to know the process of divorce, how can divorce happen? Can you please mail me on my mail id which documents you want ro requires.
Answers (5)

Answer #1
874 votes
there are two types of divorce in hindu law one is mutually and second is contested. if both parties are agree the. file mutual divorce it take very short time. but if one party is not ready and second party need then file a contest divorce on his own grounds of cruelty or other issues.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
857 votes
you have to file divorce petition before the family judge and the Court will grant you a decree of divorce to you .
the required documents are marriage certificate and marriage card and photos
kindly contact for further information
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
956 votes
there are two process of divorce
1. Divirce by mutual consent
2. Divorce demand by one party only
in mutual consent divorce it take 6 month for final decree of divorce for mutual consent divorce both the consent of both party are necessory and
the other side if the divorce demand by the one party only then these typenof divorce take time upto 1.5 to 2 years
for more details you can contact me
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #4
514 votes
I can guide you through the process of obtaining a divorce. Divorce can be filed either by mutual consent or contested, depending on the circumstances. For a mutual consent divorce, both parties agree on the terms of separation, such as maintenance, child custody, and division of assets. This process is quicker and involves filing a joint petition, appearing for counseling sessions, and a final hearing in 6-8 months. For a contested divorce, one party files the petition on grounds like cruelty, adultery, desertion, etc., and it can take longer, depending on the complexity of the case.

To proceed, you will need certain documents like your marriage certificate, proof of address, photographs of the marriage, evidence of grounds for divorce (if contested), financial documents, and details of any joint property or children. Please provide your email ID, and I will send you a detailed list of the documents required and the steps involved.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #5
501 votes
only 3 I'd of each party is required to file divorce by mutual consent under section 13(B) of hma... then court will fix date for mediation.... then accordingly will order... it can be filed at district in which marriage was solemnised..
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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