BW/NBW for A2 and A3 to be recalled
05-Aug-2024 (In Criminal Law)
its a 2011 year 498a Case. Later after 2-3 years the petitioner and respondent parties are compromised and A1 is quashed in High court. A separate Quash petition also filed for A2 and A3 but unfortunately due to communication and conflict issues with our lawyer the Quash petition for A2 and A3 filed is dismissed due to non-prosecution. We totally forgot the further happenings of the case and recently received a call from police station that BW/NBW warrants are issued on A2 and A3
Firstly you have to confirm on which case you got BW/ NBW. Later you just filied recall petition against of that warrent with your advocate at the same time you just have knowledge about your quash petition. If it's still not disposed you just connect with advocate and resume it immediately.
Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.
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