
Tata Power DDL not releasing new domestic connection

30-Dec-2024 (In Consumer Court Law)
Dear Sir/Mam Can we file complaint/case against Tata Power DDL area Darshan Vihar 110084. As due to they are not releasing connection because transformer capacity is overloaded and saying that we need space there for installation of new transformer but space has to be provided by consumer
Answers (2)

Answer #1
654 votes
Yes, we can file a complaint against Tata Power DDL. This issue can be raised before the electricity regulatory commission or through a consumer court, as denying a connection on such grounds is not justified.
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Answer #2
795 votes
A representation and a legal notice can be sent to Tata Tata power since it is the basic right of any consumer to get electricity. It stands at the ambit of basic needs so at the start point or legal notice can be sent to the Tata power TDL team feeling which it can also be filed in the High Court
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