
My tenant has sent legal notice for cheque bounce case,

21-Oct-2024 (In Cheque Bounce Law)
Tenant not paying damage charges, I had given cheque for 60k,she has sent legal notice, because i stopped payment, within 15days am unable to reply, if I reply 2 days late, is it okay?
Answers (2)

Answer #1
830 votes
You can reply by mentioning the clause delay to reply the notice . Further what ever the contention you take in notice will stand through entire case trial so let it be specific not an evasive reply. Wt ever the notice u and reply can be kept copy for future reference
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Answer #2
736 votes
Dear Sir,

You can reply at any time. Even after she file case before the Court. it is unusual she filing a cheque bounce case in the Court because the advocate fee etc may cost her more. Just relax and wait or get issue a strong reply legal notice protesting her notice.
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