
In divorce case what happened if I will not appear

15-Sep-2024 (In Divorce Law)
My wife file a divorce case I am not going if exparty happened only she will get divorce or any money also
Answers (5)

Answer #1
662 votes
she can get a divorce and if she moves appropriate application, she can get money too. You'll need to have strong grounds in appeal to show why you didn't attend the divorce proceedings in family court
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Answer #2
918 votes
You should seek a detailed legal consultation from an Advocate having expertise in family cases. You should appear through an advocate. If summons have been served you are duty bound to appear. Seek consultation and formulate a strategy
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Answer #3
761 votes
you need to provide more details. usually such cases are filed along with other cases like maintenance, interim maintenance and restoration of conjugal rights. if you will not appear and submit your defence it will impact you negative. you should appear and contest as courts give equal opportunity to all to represent. once lapses you may not have this opportunity
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Answer #4
997 votes
Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience regarding your legal issue. I’m here to provide assistance and discuss how we can proceed with your case effectively. Kindly contact through the same. Looking forward to hearing from you and assisting you further.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #5
791 votes
If your wife filed a divorce case against you in Hindu marriage act then she can file an application of 25 HMA which is for permanent alimony. But it's depend on your wife that she wants divorce only or any other relief.
Has your wife filed any maintenance case or others?
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