Date is not mentioned in police appear notice
25-Jan-2025 (In Divorce Law)
I have received notice for investigation of cases but notice appearance date is not mentioned
I have reviewed your concern regarding the notice for investigation without a specified date for appearance. This is an important aspect of the notice, as the absence of a clear date could create confusion and potentially affect your rights.
Firstly, I recommend verifying the authenticity of the notice to ensure it is issued by the appropriate authority. If it is genuine, the omission of the appearance date may be an oversight. In such cases, it is advisable to promptly contact the issuing authority or investigating officer to seek clarification and request the specific date and time for appearance.
Additionally, we can draft a formal communication to the issuing authority, highlighting the absence of the date and requesting necessary details to comply with the notice. This demonstrates your willingness to cooperate and ensures you are not held accountable for any unintended non-compliance.
Please share a copy of the notice with me, so I can guide you further and assist in drafting the required communication. Let us act quickly to address this matter appropriately.
Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.
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