
A CESC substation next to my house emits a very loud humming sound

21-Aug-2024 (In Consumer Court Law)
I live in Kolkata. There is a substation of an electric supply company next to my house which emits a very loud humming sound. I have my mother who is a senior citizen in the house and it is causing us headaches and stress. I have complained to them many times but they only installed a barrier which did nothing. They have 4 transformers but only 1 emits loud noise, the others don't. This transformer is quite old and needs replacement. Can I file an FIR against them? What legal action can I take?
Answers (2)

Answer #1
720 votes
Hello Sir/Maam,
This is Advocate Somdipta Dutta Choudhury, from S&S Legal Associates.
We are very sorry to hear about your current situation.
You can obviously file a complaint with your local police station, the police will start an investigation and the police can also arrange a sitting/mediation. You will also have to send a legal notice to CESC through an Advocate or Legal Firm, in which we could help you. Thereafter if the situation doesn't change for your good, you can take legal actions against the accused company.
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Answer #2
789 votes
You cannot file FIR against CESC since that is not the correct remedy. You need to write them a demand justice explaining your situation and then if they do not take any steps ahead, you need to file a writ petition before the High Court and seek appropriate reliefs.
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