
Some One Not Giving My Money I Have A Proof

29-Oct-2024 (In Recovery Law)
I'm asking my money he is not lifting the call and he is blocked my number.. How can i recover my money
Answers (2)

Answer #1
820 votes
hi first need to see the mode of sending money to him and whether it is by online or tbrough cash and whether any promissory note was execited or not then you could send legal notice and file suit for recovery of money
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
664 votes
to recover your money we need to file a case in court and also we file a case in the police station and based on proof which u need to provide in court and police station later he will come and settle your money or he will go to jail for cheating and also you will get your money... approach us we will help you
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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