
Selling of agricultural land by brothers without partition deed

04-Oct-2023 (In Property Law)
My 2 brothers are selling their share from ancestral agricultural land without partition deed, I am not satisfied with the part of land given by them to me, so what to do now? Can I file case of partition deed for getting land of my choice ( I want part of land between two of them, not on the one side)
Answers (3)

Answer #1
996 votes
Yes in the case of the property not being partitioned and not showing your share properly you can approach court with suit for partition in which you can ask for injunction to stay the sale of property till the property is rightfully partitioned for further details you can call me

Answer #2
978 votes
Definitely.. you have to file suit for partition and separate possession. Give such notification in the local newspaper regarding your rights in property and warn others not to purchase the partition suit after preliminary decree executive magistrate (tahsildar)appointed by collector will distribute the shares...
Answer #3
505 votes
Firstly, file a stay application immediately along with the Partition Suit in the Civil court and block the sale. Then, seek your appropriate share in the joint family property.

Your brothers cannot sell the ancestral land without having the shares being appropriated within reapective shareholders.

Also, immediately file a case of Forgery, extortion, cheating and fraud before the Concerned Police station, as these actions are covered under Criminal law too.

File a News Paper advertisement through an advocate, in respect of your land details and caution notice. Also in Your partition suit, seek prayers for Getting land valuation, newspaper advertisement publication of the Order, get receiver appointed.

Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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