
second appeal is running status is adjourned admission

22-Dec-2023 (In Property Law)
we are defendent undergoing a civil case in Madras high court since 2013. We won the judgement of OS and AS now SA is running SA 462/2019.The last case status is 'Adjourned admissions' which was held in last 19 June 2019 after that they did mentioned the next hearing date .sir my question is when the next hearing date and judgement will come and the meaning for 'Adjourned Admission please clarify sir.
Answers (1)

Answer #1
871 votes
Admission is the first step of the freshly filed case during which the court will decide whether the case is fit for taking up on file. For some reason, when during the admission step itself the case is adjourned it is named Adjourned Admission. In essence, your case is in the admission stage only.
People also ask

What is admission stage in court?

The admissions stage is the first hearing of a new case filed with the Supreme Court. The Court will then proceed to the regular hearing stage if it finds that there is a substantial legal question in the case.

What does adjourned admission mean in law?

It is a legal term for a court case that has been adjourned. This also means it will resume shortly. The case will have a new hearing according to the dates of the admission. It is necessary to give a proper notification of the admission dates.

Why are court cases adjourned?

An adjournment may be requested if either party needs more time to prepare. To collect more information under the observation of the court. Absence of legal representation. In the absence of sufficient evidence, or witnesses.


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