
Documents to be checked before flat purchase

16-Aug-2024 (In Property Law)
Want to buy a Flat in Bangaluru . What are the documents to be checked before purchasing the property
Answers (3)

Answer #1
638 votes
There are two aspects that are to be checked in case of a flat before buying it. One set of documents to title ownership of the land on which the black is built. Another set of documents relate to the constructed flat at the related approvals by government department. the list becomes partly different in each case..
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
722 votes
Dear client,
based on your question that it needs to discuss in detail about your matter.
So, then we will provide you an answer and guide you in the proper way and for more information feel free to contact us.
Thank you .
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
895 votes
1. sale deeds ,how the property has come to the developer.
2. katha, encumbrance certificate,
3. permissions from the concerned authority to develop the property
4. map from the concerned authority
5. if any litigation is there against the property etc. they will provide you with a book, first need to see that, if anything more is required we can inform accordingly
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