
Road accident record for last 5 years

28-Dec-2024 (In Motor Accident Law)
We are team of 5 engineers who are working on Road accident prevention system which can be installed on particular highway. For the model development we need record of last 5 year road accident data for that highway. Where we can get that data? Will local police help? Please tell. Thanks!
Answers (2)

Answer #1
663 votes
Well, I can assist you to collect such Data relating to Road Accidents which have occured in last 5 years on any of the Highways in India, which you are looking out for. For this, we can seel assistance of several authorities.
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Answer #2
587 votes
You can find data on road accidents in India from the following sources: Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India: This platform collects data on road accidents in India from police headquarters.  National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB): This bureau collects data on accidents for the annual publication Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India.  Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH): This ministry publishes official statistics on road accidents in India.  Kaggle: This platform has a dataset on road accidents in India from 2014–2017.  PIB: This platform has data on road accidents and safety measures in India.  PRSIndia: This platform has data on road accidents in India
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