
My family member gone through a road accident FIR LODGE ON 281/125a by

03-Aug-2024 (In Motor Accident Law)
What is further action to be taken from our side on legal gnd What will actionof police after FIR THIRD PARTY MINOR INJURY IS THERE FOR 2 PERSON
Answers (2)

Answer #1
578 votes
After lodging of FIR police investigate into the matter and takes appropriate action against the wrongdoer. Cases relating to the motor accident are dealt under a special legislation i.e the Motor Vehicle Act. The compensation awarded thereunder is in accordance with the nature of injury suffered by the victim. In case of a minor injury usually the compensation awarded is not too exorbitant. However the Claimant has an option to claim interest on the specified sum and also the reimbursement of the medical expenses supported by the documentary proof to the said effect. The Claimant has to file a claim against the driver/owner/insurance company of the offending vehicle but before filing any such claim it is always advisable to send a prior legal notice.
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Answer #2
549 votes
need to take bail from the court.
need to contest a criminal case for injury received by the victim.
need to pay compensation to the victim, if the car is not insured.
there will be two case one is criminal and other is before MACT.
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