
Fraudulent Rental Agreement

13-Apr-2023 (In Landlord/Tenant Law)
I've entered to my new house with half of the depost of 40k. There is remaining 40k has been paid. While checking the rental agreement I came to know the below point which is totally unfair "The lessee shall not have the option of determining the tenancy period before the expiry of the lease agreement. If the lessee fails to adhere to this, the lessee shall have to pay the premises entire lease period monthly rent, the total advance deposit amount is adjusted towards the monthly rental charges from the date of default by the lessee." Please let me know how can I proceed further on this. I've proof of sending the money to their account.
Answers (2)

Answer #1
691 votes
Don't bother. We will give you solution. First get you injunction against landlord. Thereafter no body disturb you. We can drag on the proceedings. Ball is in our court. If willing approach us. We will get you relief.
Answer #2
567 votes
sir, It is better to consult me with documents of the property. Reason that i have to know the actual owner of the property and the rental agreements . Rent paid details and bank statement if the rent paid through account. Then, i can give suitable opinion. pl consult.

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