
Can I get punished for Extra Marital Affair

05-Sep-2024 (In Domestic Violence Law)
My wife has filed a complain for extra marital affairs. CWA called me and only stated about EMA. When I asked then why DV, to which they said there might be some violence. I never had any kind of violence, being honest I cant deny Marital affair but am not in contact with that person since Jan. If I agree for EMA then What will be the punishment in such case under 498A?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
856 votes
My suggestion is that you dont admit anything. If the opp party has filed the case, then she has to prove the Extra marital affair. The cruelty caused to wife under sec 498A can be mental as well, hence you will be convicted, if it gets proved.
You may go for a mutual divorce with your wife, if there is no scope for living together as husband-wife in future.
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