
Want to file mutual consent divorce from USA . Please guide us the pro

30-Oct-2024 (In Divorce Law)
Me and my husband staying in USA currently and would like to apply for mutual consent divorce due to some misunderstanding between us. We have a 7 years son. May I know the process to apply and any consequences we may face.
Answers (2)

Answer #1
871 votes
this is out of difficult process as you have to go to Indian Consulate in USA to get a power of attorney executed in favour of someone to represent you in the Indian Court. still there will be formalities to be followed in the place of your representative.
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Answer #2
745 votes
Both of you can file for divorce at the jurisdictional court where any of you have an address with address proof or at the place of your marriage. You need to file an application for waiving office the cooling off period for speedy divorce.
if difficult for both of you to come together to India, one of you can file for a contested divorce, ask for mediation and obtain the divorce by the mediation report
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