
Order on IA is passed in the maintaince case

06-Oct-2024 (In Divorce Law)
My wife has filed ex-party order maintaince case on me in a magistrate court sec 23 of pwdv. I have hired a lawyer for my case. He is attending the case now it is in petitioner evidance stage, along with that gone for appeal for that ex-partyorder in the session court which is in Notice stage. Order on IA is passed by magistrate court on 23rd august 2024. After seeing the order I found that my lawyer has NOT submited my docs. related to by salary, assets and liabilities...(he has cheated me)
Answers (2)

Answer #1
690 votes
If in the order shet of Judge it is mentioned that your liar has not attended then you can file a complaint in bar council and get compensation from him/her. but if it is an interim order the order will not be same after completion of maintenance case, and anyway you have even appealed against it.
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Answer #2
859 votes
Dear Sir,

You can change the advocate immediately by getting NOC. It is not vise to challenge orders on IA. However you can fight on merits and see that the interim maintenance granted maybe substantially reduced. If not reduced, after getting final orders you may approach higher court to reduce such amount. In the meanwhile you can file divorce case on the ground of cruelty.
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