
I need mutual divorce for non compatibility n many other valid reasons

31-Oct-2024 (In Divorce Law)
I want to get divorce from my husband as we have no intency since last 10 years. He is not working n was completely dependent upon me. No child . N he was flirt all these 0 years now I m 39 n he is 46 n I have feelings for someone n can’t be into this relationship anymore. He dosent want to leave me.
Answers (3)

Answer #1
574 votes
you both have to file mutual divorce and after that court will grant you both a decree of divorce
if your husband is not willing to divorce it then you have other options for him
kindly contact me and let me know more about your case and situation so I can help you
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
676 votes
As you want divorce then you have to mention your husband habits which are not good or which are causing pain to you.
based on those grounds yo can file Divorce petition in the court.
your husband is also bound to look after you as well.
Based on your evidence and case scenario court can grant Divorce order in your favour.
For complete information you can contact us.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
742 votes
As you told that you want to divorce your husband, you are 36 years old and he is 49 years old and is completely dependent on you and he is resting on your income and physically he is completely healthy. Not a fit that makes you want to divorce them
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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