
Complain at CAW Cell, Want to register FIR

14-Aug-2024 (In Divorce Law)
I am a victim of harassment, physical and mental abuse. My husband and in-laws have even tried to kill me for dowry and other demands. I tried a lot to save my marraige but all my efforts went in vain. I have put a complaint at CAW Cell, Dabri on 8th Aug,2024. They have asked me to come again on 16th Aug, but they did not register an FIR. The lady at the CAW Cell told me that this is a mediation centre, FIR will not be lodged here. I have suffered enough and want an FIR to be lodged against them
Answers (5)

Answer #1
550 votes
CAW cell will forward the complaint at later stage to concerned police station to lodge FIR!
Kindly do not worry and it’s better you hire an expert advocate to file Domestic violence complaint case too !
Kindly b in touch
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
611 votes
If the behaviour of your husband and in-laws are intolerable towards you then you can anytime send a complaint regarding your grievances in writing to the police station according to your jurisdiction to register a FIR against the culprits. If they are not listening to you then you can always approach the court with the application under section 156(3) for registration of the same. And if you wish to go legal then you can also file a petition under section 12 DV or section 125 CrPC and claim maintenance for yourself. And if there's no scope of living together then rather stretching the relationship you should file for contested divorce under the ground of cruelty. I would suggest you to go with mutual divorce because it's cost effective and ends up in a maximum of six months. For more legal assistance I am just a call away.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
802 votes
well fir to be registered is by the police station only but when they have a confirm view that there exist elements so as the fir to be lodged. caw cell is where you give complaint and they call the parties and make them talk and settle the matter.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #4
985 votes
Hello, you can get the FIR registered if you will say that you don’t want get the things mediated and informed them your situation they will definitely register your FIR. If police is denied then we can approach court as well
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #5
765 votes
Do connect to a lawyer and brief him in detail. Seek a legal consultation and formulate a strategy Going forward. Complaint before the CAW is an initial time and registration of FIR takes time. You need to file and explore other legal remedies available with you aswell to put pressure on your in laws
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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