
Regular bail rejected by sessions court what is statutory bail

24-Aug-2023 (In Criminal Law)
Arrested on 11th july and taken on police custody on 12th july and is in judicial custody since 18th july till now under section 465, 468, 471 ,473 ,476 ,464 and under section 12 of passport act the maximum period of imprisonment is 7 yrs for the above case . my question is : What is statutory bail period for this under crpc 167 is it 60 days or 90 days ? If regular bail got rejected in sessions . Can we apply statutory bail in magistrate again or we should apply in high court only?
Answers (2)

Answer #1
514 votes
You are at liberty to apply for bail again either with the magistrate or afresh with the High Court. The Hon'ble Supreme Court has issued guidelines when bail should be rejected and when should not be rejected. It is 60 days for offences punishable with imprisonment for a term of less than ten years. It is possible for you to get bail if you approach the court with proper reasoning.

Answer #2
710 votes
Dear friend, Their is nothing as hard and fast rule that 60 or 90 days you will get bail only ,general trend is that it depends on opposite party ,judges and merit of the case ,yes in case chargesheet nkt submitted within 90 days another provision of bail is all matters and case has to be India their is law and their is will understand it once you go through procedure of court .Better get a good lawyer and he will hell you sortings thing out .If you go wrong hand you may end up for longer period under custody.

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