Police Summon under Section BNSS 35 from Tamil Nadu Police
12-Dec-2024 (In Criminal Law)
I am an Army Ex Seriveman aged 60 years (senior citizen) residing at Bangalore. I received a summon from Tamil Nadu police under section 35 BNSS and asking me to appear before at Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. Can I avoid this physical appearence and ask for video enquiry? V Rathna Kumar , Army Ex Serviceman
Dear Sir,
As per the New Provisions under Section 35 of BNSS you may be arrested even without warrant. It is better to approach the Police and give statement as may be required. Otherwise find out the FIR if any and get anticipatory bail or approach High Court for staying the contents on the operation of such notice.
As per the New Provisions under Section 35 of BNSS you may be arrested even without warrant. It is better to approach the Police and give statement as may be required. Otherwise find out the FIR if any and get anticipatory bail or approach High Court for staying the contents on the operation of such notice.
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