
Case of hawala 2015-2016 Police raid

08-Oct-2024 (In Criminal Law)
I want to take a legal action agaist hawala oparator.He has alredy case againest him but he got out.I know some datails about him.what should i do
Answers (2)

Answer #1
513 votes
Well, I can assist you to take strong legal actions against that Hawala Operator who is doing Money Laundering and other White Collar Crimes. I can assist you in collecting evidences which will make your Case Stronger.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
594 votes
call on this number seven zero five eight zero one nine one one six. we will discuss further. It will not be possible to elaborate the query here. So it will be better if we can discuss the issue on call.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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