
Any legal issue with Affiliate marketing

26-Aug-2024 (In Consumer Court Law)
I recently started promoting baby products online as affiliate links. I am taking extra care on promotion of right products manufactured by different companies and sold on e commerce platform . is there any legal requirement for me? If any dispute arise betn buyer and company,should I am liable for any legal trouble?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
509 votes
Your query is very wide and there's no context of your facts. Why post such vague queries, when you can take face to face legal advice with limited time and questions!
the Q and A session would give you adequate idea as to your queries in real time!
At present, your question is incompatible with the law. bcs no specific mention as to legal restriction or sanction both. it's pointless to discuss probabilities.

let's discuss facts and specific laws!
feel free to connect for appointment based meetings and just walk in with all the papers.
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Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.

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