Advocate Guru Dhananjay

- City Civil and Sessions Court, Chennai
- District Court, Chennai
- Family Court, Chennai
- Madras High Court
- National Company Law Tribunal, Chennai
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Questions Answered by Advocate Guru Dhananjay
Q: Is dvc a criminal case or Civil case ?
As per the Judgment passed by this Hon’ble court in Dr. Pathmanathan Vs Dr. Monica as decided in Cr. O.P.28458/2019 Dated 18.01.202. Is dvc case criminal or Civil. n How should the cases already filed should be taken up
Advocate Guru Dhananjay answered
The above decision only looked into the maintainability of quash petition under 482CrPC for complaints under the PWDVA Act and 498-A IPC. There is a conflicting view by the Maduari Bench of the Madras High Court. However, Calcutta HC after the above decision in a larger bench has settled the position for now that it is in fact a criminal proceeding and that quash may be filed under 482 CrPC.
Q: Our marriage is not registered and we're also not together constantly
It's been 2yrs we got married and we were together only for 6 or 7 months but that is also not continuously 2months together then a break after that a patch up like that it was. We stayed with my in-laws and we have one kid and our marriage is a intercaste marriage, now we wanna apply for divorce, is there any possibilities to apply for divorce?
Advocate Guru Dhananjay answered
yes, you may apply for a divorce either by mutual consent or through contested method. even if marriage is not registered, the divorce will have to formally be annulled by obtaining a decree of divorce through court.
Q: Domestic violence. Physical, mental, emotional and verbal abuse
I'm 24f & my sis 22f. My dad was abusive since our childhood. There were years where I got beaten up daily. He gave me nick names like idiot, fool, etc., He threatens to kill us whenever we don't behave right from when we were kids. Now after we grew up the abuse got more verbal and mental. He slut shames us when angry. He slut shamed my sister for wearing a perfume! He used to confiscate our phones at night because I talked to my depressed friend at night. He spies on us every night. He now forces us to wake up at 6 am though there is no work to do. Last Sunday we slept till 9 am. He verbally abused and threatened to beat us up if we do it again. We should keep our rooms open till night. We're not allowed to step out of the house for anything or than visiting temple with family. We're not allowed to go out, to meet friends, shopping, etc. We're in a house arrest situation. We are suicidal now. Shall we press charges against him?
Advocate Guru Dhananjay answered
looks like your father needs some effective counselling and has trust issues with the two of you. filing a case would only worsen your situation. but, however, you may seek to approach the nearest police station if the abuse does get physical in any sort of manner, provided you have an alternate arrangements for living situation. violence against family members is covered under the prevention of women from domestic violence act and this may be used in this situation.
Q: Marriage life divorce how to get mutual divorce with each other
HinI have been married before 2.5 years. In this 2.5 years I have been lived with her around 1-1.5 years only. Mostly we two getting fight with each other, and for small fight also she will be going to her parent's home. This is repeatedly happening after child born also. I have asked her divorce also, she is refusing. But I am not satisfied with this life.
Advocate Guru Dhananjay answered
If the situation is absolutely unlivable, it would be suggestable to file for divorce on the grounds of cruelty. But, however the initiation of a divorce does come along with the associated exposure to various petitions against yourself as well. best to hold a family meeting and see if there can be some common ground workable and then file for mutual consent divorce.
Q: Pledged documents missed by bank
Hi AllNeed a legal advise, Actually my dad got house loan with SBI in 2007 against our house property and it was closed in 2013. Meanwhile I have taken education loan in 2011 against same property as a security and i closed the edu loan in 2018. After closing the loan i went to collect NOC and our property documents back but unfortunately they missed it. For 6 months they keep on telling like we are searching in that dept , this dept but results fail as they could not able to locate it. After that my dad was sick and he was in bed rest for 6 months and i went to abroad for good so we could not able to chase it for sometime , later corono wave comes and i was hesitant to take my dad to bank to chase for the document . But whenever time permits i used to go bank and fight with the staffs to locate it or else to arrange to get a new document as per the procedures, almost i visited 30+ times but no result. Finally 2 days back they accepted that they missed the document due to their negl
Advocate Guru Dhananjay answered
You can sue them for negligence and for poor services rendered. the safety of the document in their custody is absolute and they ought to have ensured safe return of the same no matter what the terms and conditions may contain in fine print. The ideal way would be to send out a notice for damages, keep a stock of all expenses involved in the reconstruction of the document and the future hassle due to the loss of the document by them.
Frequently Asked Questions about Advocate Guru Dhananjay
Can Advocate Guru Dhananjay represent me in court?
Yes, Advocate Guru Dhananjay can represent you in court. The lawyer is trained to present your case in the most effective way possible.
What should I bring to my initial consultation with Advocate Guru Dhananjay?
When you meet with Advocate Guru Dhananjay for an initial consultation, it is important to bring any relevant documents or information with you. This may include documents related to your legal issue, such as contracts or court orders, as well as any other relevant information, such as a list of questions or concerns you have about your case.
How do I prepare for my initial consultation with Advocate Guru Dhananjay?
Before your initial consultation with Advocate Guru Dhananjay, it can be helpful to think about the specific legal issue you are facing and any questions or concerns you have about your case. You should also gather any relevant documents or information that you think may be helpful in understanding your situation.
What should I expect during my initial consultation with Advocate Guru Dhananjay?
During your initial consultation with Advocate Guru Dhananjay, you can expect to discuss the specific legal issue you are facing and the details of your situation. Lawyer will ask you questions to get a better understanding of your case and will provide you with information about your legal options and any potential outcomes.
How do I communicate with Advocate Guru Dhananjay?
It is important to communicate with Advocate Guru Dhananjay regularly to stay updated on the progress of your case and to discuss any new developments or concerns you may have. You can communicate with the lawyer through phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings.
How much does it cost to hire Advocate Guru Dhananjay?
The cost of hiring Advocate Guru Dhananjay can vary widely. Some lawyers charge hourly rates, while others charge a flat fee for their services. Some also offer free initial consultations to discuss your case. Kindly contact the lawyer directly to enquire about the fee.