
Laws for persons with disabilities if he attempts suicide

08-Mar-2023 (In R.T.I Law)

Hi. I want to ask if someone attempts suicide and manages to survive his/her attempt, but become a person with disability, can he/she challenge the person who tortured him/her to attempt suicide, in the court or not? A girl was molested & cheated when she was in a relationship with this person. In the end, she had no choice but to attempt suicide, now she wants to take that person to the court. Can she get any justice?

Answers (2)

Answer #1
783 votes
Hi, the facts mentioned by you is Indicative of two directions. Firstly any person who had molested, cheated and tortured can definitely be taken to task, have no doubts about it. Secondly about blame of disability and claims it will fall from positive out come of first case. You must obtain knowledge of the procedure how to go about it before going ahead, if you so decide.
Answer #2
573 votes
The girl cannot challenge on the ground that she attempted suicide due to the molestation or cheating by the person in the relationship because on this ground the girl itself will be liable for the attempt to suicide under section 309 IPC. But she can challenge on the other grounds that she was molested or cheated when she was in the relationship with that person.

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