
Already settled loan amount but again summon recived for the same

01-Sep-2024 (In Recovery Law)
Hi Sir, I have settled the loan amount also I have a bank letter loan closure letter and same crn case was showing dispose in ecourt app but now again I have recieved the summon for the same case. Kindly assist and help me what should I do now and I am thinking that case was dispose so that the new summon recieved wrongly so I didn't appar in the court but I have check the app again there showing next date and also be warranty issue so pls tell me what should I do in that case
Answers (4)

Answer #1
557 votes
If the warrants have been issued against you then you need to file an application for cancellation of the same. And as far as the case is concerned you need to approach the court with all the documents that say that you have already settled the amount with the bank. For more legal assistance I am just a call away.
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Answer #2
563 votes
If you have received a summon for a case that you believe was already disposed of, it's crucial to take immediate action. First, verify the status of your case on the eCourt app and consult with your lawyer to understand why the summons has been issued again. It could be due to a procedural error or a miscommunication. Since you have a loan closure letter and the case was marked as disposed earlier, you should present these documents in court. Ignoring the summons could lead to further complications, such as the issuance of a warrant, as you've already noticed. Therefore, it's advisable to appear in court on the next date, explain the situation, and provide all relevant documents. If the warrant has been issued, you may need to apply for its cancellation immediately with the assistance of your lawyer.
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Answer #3
921 votes
If the case has been closed , it cannot be reopened again, legal action on same cause of action is not maintable either by CPC or Constitutional law, further details of case is required for further assistance.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #4
974 votes
In this case, you should get represented before the summoning court. Through a lawyer who can get it settled . The court has to know that there has been closure. You can do it yourself as well but if the amount is big, better spend some small chunk for a lawyer. It will be a short job.
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