
Regarding succession of power of attorney property

07-Sep-2024 (In Property Law)
My mother owns dda flat with a power of attorney status. What is the best way 1. Get it Freehold in her name and get it transferred to my name ( willing to do so) 2. Get it Freehold to my name (3) Gift it me 4. Make a will for a later stage
Answers (3)

Answer #1
835 votes
Would be prudent for you to get a Will executed in your favour as it will entail less cost and time. Simultaneously your mother may apply for the conversion from leasehold to freehold by following a due process.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
997 votes
In this case u need to hire expert advocate to evaluate the GPA, is it GPA with consideration or without ? With whose funds was this property purchased? Is there any ATS with this GPA?
We need more details on this
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
579 votes
if you wish to have a full proof work you can choose option 1 &2. it all depends whether you are willing to pay stamp duty or not. will is not suggested as it is considered as a weak document due to easiness to challenge the same
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