
Cousin threatening to demolish my house and complain under Sec 44 IPC

26-Feb-2023 (In Property Law)
We have ancestral house ( approx 55 years old), cousin has taken some land behind my house and has built house for himself and is now harrasing my old age parents to vacate the house so that he can demolish and make way for himself. He has already done some damage to house and now not even allowing repairs. We have done complaint in local police station. but still cousin is not cooperating further threatening to log complaint against entire family ( including members who have not been in village for years altogether) under IPC 44
Answers (2)

Answer #1
532 votes
Section 44. “Injury”.—The word “injury” denotes any harm whatever ille­gally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation or proper­ty.

as you have filed a compliant with the police already you can approach the court to seek injunction and can also file another police complaint against your cousin.
Answer #2
748 votes
You can file complain case in court or Lodge an FIR.
You can also file information petition in court and take the certify copy of petition and give to the higher official of police.
And make complain additional.

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