
Problems with 2nd wife... my aged parents are being harrased by he

14-Aug-2024 (In Muslim Law Law)
My first wife is working abroad and had not visited me for more than 3 years. Inspite of calling her many times she refused to come back. So I got married 2nd time due to the insistence of my aged parents who wanted to see me happy and settled. But my 2nd wife has created a lot of problems and her family threaten and harras me and my aged parents. She also goes around spreading false allegations that we forced her to abort a baby when she wasn't pregnant at all. What are my options?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
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Dear client,
based on your question that it needs to be discussed in detail about matter.
So, then we will provide you with an answer guide you in the proper way and for more information feel free to contact us.
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