
Is Kulanama Legal and Valid Document per Indian Law or Govt

21-Aug-2024 (In Muslim Law Law)
Khulanama Document Given by Qazi signed by both Muslim Couple to Dissolve their marriage. Also There is a Article 12 Bond (Non Judicial, E-stamp Mutual Agreement) signed by both parties with 4 Witness present, is this agreement a valid agreement per court and indian law if any breach. Is this Khulanama Valid Legal Doc under Indian Muslim Marriage act ? Can this Document issued by Qazi used as Evidence for changing spouse name in passport and other Legal document change ?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
608 votes
Is that Khulaama in English ? whether it is legal as per the passport and Visa to countries other than gulf is to be enquire only in those offices. but if you want a legal document from court I can assist you in getting it from the court.
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