
Deed of Gift of self owned property between 2 competent parties

02-Oct-2024 (In Muslim Law Law)
My grandmother wanted to gift 10 cents out of her entire 22 cents to her daughter,i.e my mother.So yesterday they entered into a deed .But the deed states that the gift is of entire 22 cents and not just of 10 as donor wanted it to be.Unaware of this the parties signed the deed.But since under Muslim law only 1/3 property can be gifted, the above transfer may stand void, in such a case how can the donor fulfill her wish of gifting 10 cents ?
Answers (1)

Answer #1
850 votes
You are mistaken about the actual position of llanie Law. There is q bar on any person writing a will in yuvour of any one other than a legal heir for more than one third Share of his property But there is no such bar on gift.
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