
Religion : Muslims,498a Case Quashed In High Court Filed By My Wife

19-Sep-2024 (In Family Law)
Dear sir , Religion: Islam ,my wife file 498a case on my 8 family members but now case quashed in high court all 8 family members name quashed in high court.But now I want to file case against my wife that she had file false case my Whats case must I file to claim compensation for false case filed by my wife
Answers (1)

Answer #1
587 votes
Dear Sir,

You can file both Civil and Criminal Defamation case against your wife who has lodged false complaints and set into motion the Criminal Law as a result the law enforcing authorities were put into unnecessary trouble. Now High Court quashed such misleading FIR. Your wife not only caused loss to your Family prestige and reputation but also caused financial loss to the state exchequer.
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