Property in my name and wife name
23-Jan-2025 (In Family Law)
i purchased a property in pune with my wife name on it but after few years of marriage she left home and now i came to know that she got married without divorce can you please help me with the solution for this
Dear client based on your question,
If the property was purchased with your name funds,you may need to prove this through bank transactions, agreements or other documentation . Depending on the Evidence , you may claim a beneficiary interest or file a civil suit to establish your contribution to the property.
For detailed discussion you can contact us we would like to provide with legal help .
You will have to file a petition for divorce and in regards to declaration being benammi as far the wife is concerned.
As far is evidence is concerned thru your friend or family you will have to collect the proof of their marriage. I doubt that she might have registered the marriage.
Get photos of them being together. Or any docs in which they shown themselves as husband and wife etc
Disclaimer: The above query and its response is NOT a legal opinion in any way whatsoever as this is based on the information shared by the person posting the query at and has been responded by one of the Divorce Lawyers at to address the specific facts and details.
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