
I have shown my income as 15000 pm wife is staying at matrimonial h

23-Jan-2025 (In Family Law)
I have shown my income as 15000 pm wife is staying at matrimonial home husband is staying in rented house How much maintenance should be decided by court(approx) in total of school basic needs n electricity I have a 6 year old boy staying with mother
Answers (2)

Answer #1
500 votes
Law in regards of fixing the quatum of maintenance is fixed as both the parties needs to file the affidavit of disclosure of assets and liabilities. In this affidavit, both parties need to disclose their income, bank statements, ITR, liabilities, assets owned etc as stated in the affidavit Depending on this affidavit and upon hearing of argument the Judge decides the amount of maintenance to be given.
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Answer #2
662 votes
Well, if you have shown your income as Rs 15,000 per month, then, considering your such low income and bulky expenses in today's inflation, Court may grant Rs 1000-Rs 2000 as maintenance to your Wife.
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