
Assist me and my family regarding Mental Harassment/Cruelty by my wife

18-Sep-2024 (In Family Law)
Marriage 30th Dec 2023. Wife was having problem with everything. Everything to happen as the way was happening at her paternal home Discussions and arguments over silly things Disrespecting ,mentally harass/torture/cruelty/rudeness with me and my mother Taking jokes initially as jokes later turn into problems and arguments My wife has left home after one argument. Her father came and took her from my home My in-laws threatening me and my family with abusive language and much more Please help.
Answers (1)

Answer #1
898 votes
Well, if your Wife has deserted you without giving any concrete reasons, then first of all, you send her a Legal Notice asking for the reasons which led her to desert you and put your interest in settling arisen disputes with her and sorting out all such reasons for which she left your Home.
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