
Wife not agree for mutual divorce after filling the case.

06-Nov-2024 (In Divorce Law)
I caught sexual chat with 3-4 times and decided for divorce. She didn't appear in family court after signing mutual divorce paper,again she appeared with asking amount 40 lakh and changed petition 3 times final amount 35 Lakh.Case admitted in family court but she didn't appear in court in 3 dates.Now provoking for contested divorce what should be done in such case.she is blaming on me for extramarital affrs.
Answers (3)

Answer #1
644 votes
ok you had a chat there can be alibis if first motion in mutual divorce petition if not complete court can fix another date she is asking for 30 lakh now she wants to go in for contested divorce which will take at least 10 years do you have an issue or children
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #2
893 votes
you did wrong if your wife has an extramarital relationship so you had to file divorce on that ground not by mutual if she is not appearing in divorce proceedings so you have to file an application before court
kindly contact for further queries
Helpful? LawRato LawRato
Answer #3
710 votes
in which court your case is pending. if your wife again and again not coming in court and demands more money then you need to file a contest divorce and don't give any penny to your wife. for more information contact us.
Helpful? LawRato LawRato

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