
We want to file annullament because they cheated and fraud for religio

05-Nov-2024 (In Divorce Law)
They kept 498a case that is false case that girl was at our home 2 days only they kept false case and they conduct fraud to us they are converted parents and they held Hindu marriage
Answers (2)

Answer #1
526 votes
go for an annulment of marriage on the ground of fraudulently. if marriage was done by deceitmen thn u Eil get immediate order of annulment. thts it. and 498a won't sustain. only two days doesn’t give 498a
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Answer #2
644 votes
hi for 498A case you could file quash petition to quash the charges against you as the said chargee are baseless and for anullement of marriage you could file petition in court on the groud of fraud and suppression
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