
I am involved with a married man his wife is torturing me and my famil

06-Oct-2024 (In Divorce Law)
Hi, I am in a relationship from last 1 year. My Bf is married & having son. His wife knows about our affair, but rather doing any legal activity she only use to do blaming-and abusing me time to time. Even she tortured my parents & my BF. Blackmailing on small small things. Just because of he is in extramarital affair he couldn't say anything. So many time I found that she want divorce but don't want to initiate. I am fed up with all this now i want to come out of all this situation pls help
Answers (1)

Answer #1
630 votes
If his wife is torturing him unnecessary, he can file a divorce on the basis of mental cruelty. But he has to maintain his son till his son became adult. if his wife not earning anything she can file for maintenance but she can't force him to live with him without his will.
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