
Divorce petition on ground of cruelty adultery

19-Sep-2024 (In Divorce Law)
Sir my husband filed divorce case against me of ground of adultery.My husband has filed evidence from phone which was not in my possession since last 2 years and its in possession of my husband at time of filing case.There are no photographs of me with any third person.Will divorce be granted or ican protect it
Answers (3)

Answer #1
679 votes
Well, in order to seek Divorce, he needs to have primafacie evidences of your Adultery, like, your video of indulging with any male or your BF, other than your Husband! Mere pics with a Man despite being married can indicate a relationship, but what that relationship can be concluded, depends upon, the closeness one can see in that picture.
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Answer #2
829 votes
If your husband has filed divorce petition against you, you definitely have to contest the same and you can save your marriage unless you're too willing to get divorced.
If there are no photographs with any third person in your phone which is in your husband's custody, you need not worry, but you should fight your case.
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Answer #3
849 votes
Dear queriest, if the facts proves that you have been the culprit then the court may consider the same also the facts that show that you are the one who is at fault then the court may definitely consider the same and may come to the conclusion and may pass divorce decree, for more information about the same kindly call me
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