Can the wife claim in the assets in mothers name ?
29-May-2024 (In Divorce Law)
I want to buy a property on my mother's name. Can my wife claim on that property while divorce in hindu marriage act ? is putting assets in mothers name safe from wife during divorce?
No, your wife cannot claim the property in your mother's name. She can only demand maintenance/permanent alimony from you from your personal property. But in the case for maintenance by her if you say that you do not have any property in your name, she can challenge the transaction of putting the property in your mother's name, in which case you have to show that the transaction/transfer was bona fide. So in general upon divorce you wife shall not have any claim upon any property which is not in your name.
No , your wife cannot claim on the property which is purchased by you in your mother name because that property is acquired by your mother she did not through ancestrok property. in ancestrol property your right is generated and when your right generated then automatcally your wife get share on it.
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