
Procedure & time period for quashing charge sheet in sessions court

27-Feb-2023 (In Criminal Law)
One of my friend got arrested after filing a false fir against him u/s 354 a pocso 7/8.he been in the custody for 26 days. Now the party is agreed for compromise and ready for qaushing process He wants to qaush the fir /chargesheet and did not want to face the trial Currently the status of the case is 1.charges have been framed 2.trial has not started yet 3.what process may be followed for qaushing the chargesheet framed in the sessions court much time it will take and my freind both want to setlle out of court and both do not want to go to court What to do in such circumstances Please help
Answers (2)

Answer #1
624 votes
Sections mentioned by you are non-compoundable so you can not settle out of court and even the trial court can not give you the permission to compound those offences. You can move to High Court under s.-482 CrPC for quashing of the case.
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Answer #2
739 votes
In POSCO cases the minor is the victim and there is no provision of minor being entering into compromise agreement so better recourse is get no objection for bail and contest the trial where the girl will deny and you would be honourably acquitted if in case of government job you need honourable acquittal after full fledged trial quashing will not help

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